RABIATUL RAHIM: "My Favourite Smurf"

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

"My Favourite Smurf"

Here, I present you, THE SMURF! :)

The Smurfs

Nuffnang is currently having a contest to all Nuffnangers to win a pair of movie tickets to the premiere screening of The Smurf on 24th August 2011 at TGV KLCC. So, what I need to do is..

Tell us how you think that Smurf would help lead the others and find their way from New York City back to the Smurf village and who is my favourite Smurf?

First of all, Brainy is my favourite Smurf because he is brain! :)


So, how the Smurf, especially Brainy will lead the others and find their way from New York back to the Smurf village is by creating something that can bring them back to the Smurf village. As we know, Brainy is brain, right? So, he must have an idea to create something that is unique like the flying carpet in Malay film, Laksamana Do Re Mi which the flying carpet will help them to go to anywhere that they want to go. Just ask the flying carpet that they want to go back to the Smurf village, then the flying carpet will bring them back.

But, first thing first, they need to create the flying carpet or maybe another transport in order for them to bring back to the Smurf village. Brainy, make your creativity! :)

That is all. ^_^

Check out the trailer of The Smurf below. :D

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