RABIATUL RAHIM: A Future Lecturer :)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

A Future Lecturer :)

Introducing myself :)

Represent for Berjaya Corporation Bhd :)

Assalamualaikum to all of you. I hope that everyone will be fine. Alhamdulillah, I am okay. Thanks to ALLAH SWT for everything. First thing first, I am so happy today because i already done with my third presentation for subject BEL 312. Everything is fine and I am satisfied with my third presentation compared to my first and second presentation. Well, for the third presentation, I am representing about Berjaya Corporation Bhd based on the article that I found in a newspaper.

For the third presentation, it is quite difficult compared to first and second presentation because we need to find all the information everywhere including in the newspaper, the company's website and so on. For me, it s difficult but I try to do the best for myself and I think, today, I prove it. Maybe there is some mistake that I make in my presentation like what my BEL lecturer told me that I need to improve on my pronounciation because there are some items or words that I don't know how to pronounce it. I will improve my pronounciation and I will improve my presentation.

I am proud of myself and I know that I can do better than this. You can do, atul! ^_^

p/s : Look at my picture above. Am I look like a lecturer ?? Maybe.. I am a future lecturer. :)
Ohh, I love to use microphone in my presentation because I feel more confident to do a presentation :)


Terima kasih. :)

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